1. Studies in Sport Humanities journal accepts for publication original papers (articles, book reviews, reports of congresses, conferences, seminars) in English. The papers should be prepared in accordance with the below listed instructions.
  2. Papers (including footnotes and references) should not exceed 20 pages (1,800 characters with spaces per page).
  3. Name and surname of the author, followed by the title of his/her work, should be accompanied by academic degree or title along with the author affiliation. Please provide the mailing address, e-mail address, mobile phone number.
  4. The article should be preceded by a short  summary in English (about 150 words each) and a list of 4-6 keywords (in English). 
  5. Text files should be prepared in word doc extension, in 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1.5 line spacing and 1,800 characters per page.
  6. The use of italics is reserved for bibliography and foreign expressions.
  7. Illustrative material (tables, graphs, photographs) should be provided in separate files with extension TIFF or JPEG, with an indication in the text, at which point it should be located (e.g. Table 1 placed here). Photographs and drawings should be scanned at a resolution of 300-600 DPI. In the case of non-original artwork, originating in other publications, the permission to reprint must be obtained and submitted.
  8. References should be designed according to APA style.
  9. Articles published in the journal Studies in Sport Humanities are peer-reviewed (sheet assessment) and both the author and reviewer remain anonymous. Reviewing procedures are consistent with the guidelines of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education available at: http://www.nauka.gov.pl/fileadmin/user_upload/ministerstwo/Publikacje/20110216_MNISW_broszura_210x210.pdf
  10. Depending on the evaluation of peer reviewers the Editorial Board decide whether the article will be published or rejected. The decision is final. 
  11. The Editorial Board reserve the right to adjustment, shortening the text, change the titles of entries.
  12. The Author is required to make accurate adjustments resulting from the instruction of the editor, and return the paper within a specified time. 
  13. The Author is also required to submit a signed declaration (form available online from the website) that the content of the article has not been published previously or included in this form in other periodicals or books without permission of the Editor-in Chief of the journal Studies in Sport Humanities and agree to the ad it in this journal. In case of collective working the above declaration on behalf of all co-authors must be signed by first author. This is equivalent to the transfer of ownership of the publisher. 
  14. The Authors don’t  receive a fee for publishing.  Each Author gets a free paperback copy of the journal Studies in Sport Humanities in which the article appeared.
  15. Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  16. Submitting papers via Index Copernicus Platform (www.sporthumanities-online.com)
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